Connex Coin – Germany’s First Real Estate Investment Token

With our team at RAAY RE, we proud­ly present Con­nex Coin — the first real estate invest­ment token that qual­i­fies as an invest­ment accord­ing to Ger­man and EU law. Con­nex Coin is the appro­pri­ate invest­ment option for investors look­ing for a com­bi­na­tion of an inno­v­a­tive, dig­i­tal invest­ment chan­nel and the most secure asset you can find: real estate: Intro­duc­ing Con­nex Coin – Ger­many’s First Real Estate Invest­ment Token.

At EXPO REAL 2019, Europe’s largest real estate fair, we pre­sent­ed the first details. We now received the final approval by Ger­man finan­cial reg­u­la­to­ry body BaFin and have start­ed with the sale of Con­nex Coin, open to Friends & Fam­i­ly. Here’s the story of Con­nex Coin.

The idea of Con­nex Coin was born in 2018. Then, we dis­cussed dig­i­ti­za­tion projects in the field of real estate funds with Thomas Meyer, founder, and CEO of Wert­grund Immo­bilien AG, a res­i­den­tial real estate fund man­ag­er. Short­ly after­ward, we start­ed a sim­i­lar con­ver­sa­tion with Hans Ham­mer, founder, and CEO of Ham­mer AG, a com­mer­cial real estate devel­op­er. It became clear with­in weeks: we should have these con­ver­sa­tions togeth­er, as a team.

Fast for­ward: In July 2019, we found­ed our new com­pa­ny RAAY Real Estate (RAAY RE) as a joint ven­ture of Ham­mer, Wert­grund, and Datarel­la. The pur­pose of RAAY RE is to offer blockchain-based prod­ucts and ser­vices to the real estate indus­try, which itself is a late adopter regard­ing dig­i­ti­za­tion efforts. We decid­ed to start RAAY RE with the tokeni­sa­tion of a Hammer-owned prop­er­ty, locat­ed in cen­tral Munich. With the Con­nex build­ing, we have a first-class prop­er­ty in one of the best real estate loca­tions in Europe, with first-class ten­ants — in short: the best prod­uct you can imag­ine for the start of a prod­uct cat­e­go­ry in your company! 

By tok­eniz­ing this prop­er­ty, we pro­vide the per­fect invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty — espe­cial­ly for retail investors — since indi­vid­u­als can become real estate investors start­ing at 10 EUR. The Con­nex Coin token sale will take place from March to May 2020. Con­nex Coin own­ers will receive an inter­est of 3% on their invest­ments and can sell Con­nex Coin back to the issuer. In the first phase, there will be no pub­lic trad­ing of Con­nex Coin, since at the moment there are no EU-compliant cryp­tocur­ren­cy exchanges that offer trad­ing secu­ri­ty tokens. As soon as there is approval from finan­cial reg­u­la­tors, Con­nex Coin will be one of the first secu­ri­ty tokens list­ed on exchanges in Europe.

Con­nex Coin is the first token issued by RAAY RE, oth­ers will fol­low. We are plan­ning to launch more token sales for self-owned real estate prop­er­ties in 2020. Addi­tion­al­ly, we will offer tok­eniza­tion as a ser­vice to play­ers in the real estate indus­try. This offer­ing com­pris­es the com­plete tok­eniza­tion process, includ­ing tech­ni­cal, legal, and reg­u­la­to­ry ele­ments, based on an exist­ing long-term real estate expertise.

In addi­tion to our tok­eniza­tion ser­vice, at RAAY RE we offer a vari­ety of tools and prod­ucts that can be used by real estate devel­op­ers, own­ers, and funds, rang­ing from KYC onboard­ing process­es, to smart dig­i­tal (cryp­to) wal­lets. Our clients ben­e­fit from the in-depth tech­ni­cal exper­tise of Datarel­la, known for run­ning large blockchain projects on a glob­al level.

With the launch of Con­nex Coin, RAAY RE can prove that blockchain tech­nol­o­gy can be lever­aged to make pay­ment and trans­ac­tion process­es with­in real estate more effi­cient, thus paving the way to a dig­i­tized future for the real estate industry.

The acqui­si­tion of this invest­ment involves con­sid­er­able risks and can lead to the com­plete loss of the invest­ed assets.

Risk Dis­clo­sure § 12 VermAnlG

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