There are many ways of interpreting things that happen in our lives. From my perspective, there is no such thing as a pure coincidence, but everything happens for a reason — and there are ways to leverage on and learn from that. Good and bad things alike, have helped me to understand my environment better and to improve the quality of my life. It’s not that I’d be looking for bad things to happen

Gnothi Seauton — Know Yourself Before Solving Global Challenges
It is said that a brain‘s size positively correlates with its host‘s level of intelligence. The ability of human beings to use tools in very elaborate ways, to create art or to invent and tell stories to each other people, seems to prove certain supremacy over other creatures. As long as we won‘t have discovered supernatural life, humans regard themselves as being the pride of creation. Alas, we should start with

Change Yourself Before You Try Changing The World!
Having enjoyed a few days of skiing in Italy, I was reminded of a pearl of wisdom by a ski instructor of my kids. After a downhill run, when discussing what to improve skiing, the instructor told my son: “Not the slope must change — it can’t — you must!” In other words: Change yourself before you try changing the world! This simple statement by a veritable expert in this field (as opposed to my son’s father)

A Snowflake Never Falls In The Wrong Place — The Beauty Of Snow
During winter, it sometimes snows in Germany, even in the climate change-raddled 21st century. In the first weeks of January 2019, we are experiencing heavy snowfalls — a weather condition that results in a variety of effects, from the impossibility to bike to work, over flight cancellations, or accidents. to snowball fights and deep powder skiing. We’re experiencing the beauty of snow — and — that A snowflake never falls in the wrong place.

Beyond Logic — The Case For Mathematical Platonism
At school, I was never good at maths. At the university, I was interested in statistics, but only marginally. Honestly, I started to learn about the beauty of maths many years later, when working with more intelligent people than me who understand computers and data, in general. After I started working on Blockchain in 2014, I began to realize that some aspects of maths, such as game theory or category theory, play together with other fields

Being Aware Of Change Agents — Decide For The Better
A change agent is a person from inside or outside the organization who helps an organization transform itself by focusing on such matters as organizational effectiveness, improvement, and development. This is, what the dictionary says. For me, change agents are everywhere, and always behind the next corner. Being aware of change agents — decide for the better. My behavior could be defined as my actions based on several given different preconditions,

Connectedness With The Environment Is The Meaning Of Life
Speaking in your mother tongue doesn‘t stress you at all while having a conversation in another language might result in hard mental work. Even if you are fluent, let‘s say, in french, it most probably requires a significant effort to produce the melodious timbre of a Parisian. Whereas we have internalized and synchronized our native languages with our thoughts, we have to systematically translate our thinking into foreign words. Connectedness with the environment

Accept A Situation As It Is! Don‘t Resist, Don‘t Judge, Don‘t Inhere!
Today, I stumbled upon this interview with molecular-biologist-turned-Buddhist-monk, Matthieu Ricard (in German). A few years ago, I listened to his famous Altruism and although my favorite way of meditation is not focusing on a specific topic, s.a. love, or altruism, but trying not to think at all, I’m absolutely convinced by his general approach of altruism. In his interview he demonstrates that he’s a very practical person: referring to the Buddhist story of 500 people

The Enterprise Evolution: From Hierarchical Institutions To Protocols
From the early days of capitalism, when from 1633 the Hollandische Mercurius referred to capitalists as the owners of capital, on to David Ricardo who, in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation is seen as the one who actually coined the term capitalism, until today: the structure and behavior of the enterprise as the main capitalist entity, hasn’t changed that much. With the advent of blockchain technology, the evolution of

No Waiting, No Excuses — Just get started! Just Do It!
If I want to drink something, I do it. If I want to go to bed, I do it. If I want to listen to music, I do it. If I want to go out for dinner, I do it. if I want to see my friends, I do it. If I want to play a backhand topspin, I do it. If I want to launch a new website, I do it. If I want to start a new company, I do it. If I want to avoid insolvency, I do