Thanks to neuroscience research, we today know that we don‘t exclusively absorb culture through universally shared, standard-issue, human perceptual equipment, but culture determines what we can and can‘t perceive. Our functional cognitive architectures are modified by our culture. The impact of this so-called perceptual learning is bigger than most of us imagine. Not only literacy and language but also such fundamental brain activities, such as sight and perception, are changed

Change Yourself Before You Try Changing The World!
Having enjoyed a few days of skiing in Italy, I was reminded of a pearl of wisdom by a ski instructor of my kids. After a downhill run, when discussing what to improve skiing, the instructor told my son: “Not the slope must change — it can’t — you must!” In other words: Change yourself before you try changing the world! This simple statement by a veritable expert in this field (as opposed to my son’s father)