REJUVENS Routine — Synch Body And Mind Towards A Max Health Span

A friend of mine who knows about my idea of max­i­miz­ing my health span recent­ly lament­ed that he would also become more active and behave more health­ily if only he could find the time and the right reg­i­men to start with. In this post, I describe my daily REJUVENATION rou­tine — Synch body and mind towards a max health span.

Since the pre­vail­ing ‘no time’ argu­ment and a cer­tain unease regard­ing an over­whelm­ing and par­tial­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry amount of rec­om­men­da­tions regard­ing fit­ness, diet and mind­ful liv­ing, I wrote down my own reg­i­men which could serve as an exem­plary sched­ule, easy to be coxed and past­ed into other lives.

Daily REJUVENATION Rou­tine — Synch Body And Mind Towards A Max Health Span

My daily rou­tine con­sists of phys­i­cal, men­tal, and mind­ful ele­ments that can be copied by any­body who wants to change her life in a healthy way and brings along a cer­tain com­mit­ment. Most ele­ments require to over­come one’s inner temp­ta­tion. That might be tough at the start, but it becomes eas­i­er after every rep­e­ti­tion and after some time you prob­a­bly won­der how you could have lived with­out this train­ing before: the sig­nif­i­cant pos­i­tive results on your lifestyle and well-being become so obvi­ous that you can’t think of liv­ing with­out it anymore.

Overview Daily REJUVENATION Rou­tine

For a full Daily REJUVENATION, you need 1.5 h of your time each day. If that sounds much to you, choose between two options: either you just select some spe­cif­ic ele­ments out of the DRR, e.g. you might forgo the run and thus spare 25 min­utes. Or, you use it as an excuse for not start­ing the DRR at all. If you‘re ready to choose the sec­ond option, wait for a sec­ond, and think about how much of your time is spent on Social Media, TV, and con­sum­ing daily news — with none mak­ing you a bit hap­pi­er, let alone more healthy. You might be able to take a bit of this uncon­scious­ly spent time bud­get and instead turn it into an invest­ment in your healthspan.

If you‘re moti­vat­ed and ready to start with the Daily REJUVENATION — per­fect — you won‘t regret your deci­sion! The DRR is prob­a­bly (one of) the very best well­ness pro­grams you can treat your­self with. You train your body to man­age oxy­gen and calo­rie intake much more effi­cient­ly with an opti­mized metab­o­lism and ener­gy man­age­ment as a result. You will feel bet­ter, you will look bet­ter, you will be health­i­er and you will most prob­a­bly max­i­mize the healthy part of your life span — your healthspan.

For the skep­tics, there is anoth­er, total­ly dif­fer­ent, com­pelling argu­ment in favor of DRR: it’s free! There is no month­ly gym bill, no app sub­scrip­tion fee — your sole invest­ment is your time. and willpower.

Now, let‘s start!

Early Morn­ing — After get­ting up

Get up — Morn­ing Toilet

Med­i­ta­tion and Hum­ming (20min)

Yoga Sun Slute (5min)

Run­ning incl. 3 HIT inter­valls, each 30sec (25min)

Deep Breath­ing (3 rounds) fol­lowed by 1 round with sub­se­quent Push-ups (10min)

Warm show­er­ing fol­lowed by 2min cold show­er­ing with ice-cold water

Night­time — Before going to bed

Deep Breathing(10min)
Hum­ming (5min)

You find a detailed ver­sion with expla­na­tions of the indi­vid­ual ele­ments of my Daily Rewire Rou­tine on REJUVENS (Ger­man). Now, don’t think twice — give it a try and start today with max­i­miz­ing your own health span!

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