M‑ZONE — An Open, Decentralized, Self-Sovereign Smart City Infrastructure Solution

Hav­ing worked for more than 5 years on Blockchain solu­tions and prod­ucts with my com­pa­ny Datarel­la, it makes me feel quite con­fi­dent that either Blockchain is one of the most dis­rupt­ing tech­nolo­gies of our times and that Datarel­la has done a tremen­dous job in devel­op­ing that space. At the cen­ter of our work always have been prac­ti­cal ben­e­fits for clients and part­ners. With our lat­est project M‑ZONE, we are mov­ing for­ward to an eco­nom­i­cal­ly and envi­ron­men­tal­ly ben­e­fi­cial decen­tral­ized smart city infra­struc­ture solution.

In part­ner­ship with Fetch.ai, a Cambridge-based arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence lab, we today announced the launch of M‑ZONE, a smart city zon­ing infra­struc­ture trial in Munich. Using AI-powered soft­ware agents to opti­mize resource usage and reduce the city’s car­bon foot­print, we pre­dict the mass imple­men­ta­tion of smart city infra­struc­ture will result in 34,000t annu­al CO2 emis­sion reduction.

Land­lords and the City Coun­cil are inter­est­ed in opti­miz­ing the park­ing space man­age­ment to allow for avail­able park­ing for all cor­po­rate ten­ants employ­ees while orga­niz­ing the traf­fic flow and pre­vent­ing com­muter traf­fic jams. Our sys­tem incen­tivizes com­mu­ni­ty use of pub­lic trans­port through a tok­enized incen­tive sys­tem while reduc­ing the con­ges­tion that accounts for a great deal of Munich’s CO2 emissions.

Mul­ti­ple Ben­e­fits for Stakeholders

  • Indi­vid­ual com­muters and dri­vers save time, money, and reduce dri­ver stress.
  • Prop­er­ty own­ers will get sim­pli­fied approvals for new devel­op­ment projects.
  • Ten­ants can lower their rents through dynam­ic park­ing spot sharing.
  • The city coun­cil can opti­mize traf­fic flows.
  • The envi­ron­ment ben­e­fits from saved CO2 emissions

M‑ZONE users are incen­tivized to reduce their num­ber of car trips to the “Blockchain Build­ing Con­nex” and adja­cent cor­po­rate build­ings through a reward sys­tem, mea­sured by the uti­liza­tion of park­ing spaces. Each reg­is­tered user who is a reg­u­lar car park user will be reward­ed with a cer­tain amount of tokens per minute for not park­ing at the park­ing lot. As soon as a car (or its relat­ed wal­let address) is reg­is­tered as ‘parked’ by the park­ing agent, the token flow to this wal­let stops.

A Mas­sive Reduc­tion Of CO2 Emissions

Assum­ing a 10% reduc­tion in car usage across Munich alone, the city would see a 34.000 tonnes annu­al CO2 emis­sion reduc­tion. Scaled up to cover all of Ger­many, which equates to 1.7 mil­lion tonnes CO2 reduc­tion annu­al­ly. This smart city solu­tion can pen­e­trate huge mar­kets sim­ply by tap­ping into wast­ed data and uti­liz­ing it efficiently.

Users are incen­tivized to reduce their num­ber of car trips to the Con­nex and adja­cent cor­po­rate offices through a reward sys­tem, mea­sured by the uti­liza­tion of park­ing spaces. Each reg­is­tered user who is a reg­u­lar car park user will be reward­ed with a cer­tain amount of tokens per minute for not park­ing at the park­ing lot. As soon as a car or its relat­ed wal­let address is reg­is­tered as parked by the Carpark AEA, the token air­drops to this wal­let stop/slow. The num­ber of tokens reward­ed per wal­let and minute depends on the cur­rent uti­liza­tion of the park­ing lot.

Open, Decen­tral­ized, Self-Sovereign

In con­trast to other smart park­ing projects, M‑ZONE is an open-sourced, decen­tral­ized smart city infra­struc­ture project that val­ues the indi­vid­ual by imple­ment­ing a self-sovereign iden­ti­ty (SSI) frame­work. Besides the gen­er­al open­ness of the used code that enables other devel­op­ers to use it and build their appli­ca­tions on top of it, M‑ZONE uses our part­ner Fetch.ai’s pub­lic blockchain tech­nol­o­gy. In com­bi­na­tion with Fetch.ai’s Autonomous Eco­nom­ic Agents (AEA), M‑ZONE is made to be imple­ment­ed world­wide. The under­ly­ing Self-Sovereign Iden­ti­ty (SSI) frame­work, which will be imple­ment­ed in the next phase, allows for a com­plete­ly non-proprietary, privacy-focused sys­tem that pro­vides the indi­vid­ual with full con­trol over her identity.

A Promis­ing Col­lab­o­ra­tive Approach

The lat­ter aspect con­tra­dicts enter­pris­es’ tra­di­tion­al assump­tion that user data could be used freely and exploit­ed. We at Datarel­la and Fetch.ai think that the indi­vid­ual should be in full con­trol of who uses her data and for what pur­pos­es. We know that many incum­bents are still attached to the lega­cy, plat­form, or ‘dirigiste’ think­ing. How­ev­er, there are also large enter­pris­es that share our beliefs and are mov­ing towards self-sovereignty. We think that M‑ZONE can serve as a good exam­ple for strength­en­ing the indi­vid­ual per­spec­tive, and we have rea­sons to believe that we will be joined by like-minded part­ners soon.

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