MOBIX – The Marketplace For Incentivized Micromobility

In Europe and many other parts of the world, the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has been eas­ing its grip on soci­ety, late­ly. Encour­ag­ing data in coun­tries with high vac­ci­na­tion rates makes us think for­ward and plan for a post-pandemic future with more mobil­i­ty, social gath­er­ings, and a reclaimed high­er qual­i­ty of liv­ing. That’s why we have launched our new MOBIX Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Mar­ket­place website. 

MOBIX sup­ports a spe­cif­ic cat­e­go­ry of mobil­i­ty and a gen­er­al lifestyle aimed at urban res­i­dents of dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas. In 2050, about 70% of the world pop­u­la­tion is pro­ject­ed to live in urban areas. By 2030, there will be about 43 megac­i­ties, with more than 10 mil­lion inhab­i­tants each, with one in eight peo­ple live in 33 megac­i­ties world­wide. This devel­op­ment demon­strates that sus­tain­able urban­iza­tion is key to suc­cess­ful devel­op­ment in general.

The 15-Minute City

Micro­mo­bil­i­ty is the lifestyle of choice for city dwellers: small, light­weight vehi­cles are used to trans­port peo­ple and goods. Scoot­ers, eBikes, cargo bikes, etc., enable urban res­i­dents to move around their cir­cles of con­ve­nience, the so-called 15-minute cities; i.e. the vicin­i­ty they can reach with­in 15 min­utes of mobil­i­ty. micro­mo­biles are eco-friendly, silent, easy to place and park, and main­tain. The mar­ket for micro­mo­biles has been grow­ing enor­mous­ly – except for a dip due to COVID-19.

MOBIX Brings Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Ser­vices In Synch with Its Infrastructure

How­ev­er, micro­mo­biles have to fit into their infra­struc­ture; i.e. scoot­ers and bikes should not stand in the way of pedes­tri­ans and shouldn’t be fished out of river beds. In other words, the micro­mo­bil­i­ty ser­vices sup­ply has to be synched not only with the demand of micro­mo­bil­i­ty users but also with the micro­mo­bil­i­ty infra­struc­ture: park­ing lots, charg­ing sta­tions, etc.

MOBX Reward Token

This is what the MOBIX Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Mar­ket­place solves: the MOBIX tech­nol­o­gy con­nects micro­mo­bil­i­ty ser­vice and infra­struc­ture providers and allows for sus­tain­able use and growth of micro­mo­bil­i­ty in gen­er­al. MOBIX’ nucle­us is the MOBX Reward Token: a dig­i­tal token sent and received with the MOBIX Wal­let. MOBIX Wal­let users search and dis­cov­er, reserve, book and pay for their micro­mo­bil­i­ty ser­vices and infra­struc­ture offer­ings. The high­light is that every time a micro­mo­bile is con­sumed, the user is reward­ed with MOBX Reward tokens. This incen­tiviza­tion encour­ages city dwellers to aban­don their cars in favour of a scoot­er, eBike, etc. Since each micro­mo­bile use also rewards the MOBIC com­mu­ni­ty at large, MOBIX facil­i­tates the sus­tain­able growth of the micro­mo­bil­i­ty ecosystem.

We will explain more details about MOBIX part­ners Datarel­la,, RAAY RE, Wert­grund AG, Ham­mer AG, and Atom­ix in our next post. Then, we will explain the MOBIX roadmap: when will the MOBX token be avail­able, when will the MOBIX Wal­let launch, and more. In a spe­cif­ic post, we will explain how MOBIX pre­serves full user pri­va­cy using its Self-Sovereign Identity-based data archi­tec­ture. We are ultra-excited about MOBIX and its impact on micro­mo­bil­i­ty – if you’re also fans of an eco-friendly lifestyle, join and chat with the MOBIX com­mu­ni­ty on Telegram and fol­low us on Twit­ter! Stay tuned!

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