MOBIX Marketplace: Contextualized, Privacy-Preserving Marketing

Micro­mo­bil­i­ty is a high­ly dynam­ic affair: in urban areas, hun­dreds of thou­sands of res­i­dents ride their scoot­ers, eBikes, cargo bike, or tiny EVs every day. They do it for leisure, as well as for busi­ness pur­pos­es. They trans­port them­selves, other peo­ple, gro­ceries and other goods. City coun­cil infor­ma­tion mam­age­ment depart­ments can use the mas­sive amount of trans­porta­tion data to enhance traf­fic flows, opti­miz­ing their urban­i­sa­tion efforts towards more eco-friendly, liv­able cities.

A Data Play

Data gen­er­at­ed by all this hus­tling and bustling with­in 15-minute cities can and will also be used for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. Micro­mo­bil­i­ty users belong to an extreme­ly valu­able tar­get group: in gen­er­al, they are inno­v­a­tive, forward-thinking, flex­i­ble, and dynam­ic peo­ple. Micro­mo­bil­i­ty can be regard­ed as the real-life ver­sion of being online, or, ´always-on‘: rid­ing a scoot­er means that you can meet with friends in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent neigh­bor­hood, with­in min­utes. Using a cargo bike means that you can trans­port heavy stuff with­in your 15-minute city with­out using a car, search­ing for a park­ing space, or being stuck in a traf­fic jam.

GDPR Com­pli­ance With­in the EU

When­ev­er tons of valu­able data are avail­able, data abuse is near: data gen­er­at­ed by a micro­mo­bil­i­ty user belongs to this user, only. It must not be used by any third party, e.g. a busi­ness, at least not with­out the user’s con­sent. This is laid down in the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion GDPR . The GDPR applies to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data in the con­text of the activ­i­ties of an estab­lish­ment of a con­troller or a proces­sor in the Euro­pean Union, regard­less of whether the pro­cess­ing takes place in the Union or not.

Mar­ket­ing, in other words, has to be GDPR-compliant. And this is exact­ly what the MOBIX Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Mar­ket­ing Plat­form offers to micro­mo­bil­i­ty ser­vice providers MSP (oper­a­tors of scoot­ers, bikes, cargo bikes, tiny EVs), micro­mo­bil­i­ty infra­struc­ture providers MIP (build­ing oper­a­tors, park­ing garages). On MOBIX, MSPs and MIPs can tar­get their prospec­tive cus­tomers in a micromobile-contextual way while pre­serv­ing their full pri­va­cy. MSPs and MIPs can address users of scoot­ers, bikes, tiny EVs, etc. based on their respec­tive pref­er­ences, with­out know­ing their tar­get­ed data.

Privacy-Preserving MOBIX Mar­ket­ing On A Decen­tral­ized Marketplace

The full privacy-preserving MOBIX Mar­ket­ing Plat­form is based on Self-Sovereign Iden­ti­ty SSI tech­nol­o­gy that has been devel­oped by MOBIX part­ner Datarel­la. Their Iden­ti­ty prod­uct suite ‘Smar­tID’ fea­tures iden­ti­ty solu­tions with a spe­cif­ic focus on the pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty require­ments with­in the mobil­i­ty indus­try, s.a. an SSI Wal­let, or SDKR, also used in a broad­er con­text in the actu­al Mobil­i­ty 4 Future GAIA‑X project.

Micro­mo­bil­i­ty data will be pro­vid­ed on a decen­tral­ized data mar­ket­place, based on OCEAN Pro­to­col. At Datarel­la, we have part­nered with OCEAN for quite some time amd work joint­ly with them in GAIA‑X. OCEAN is a great part­ner for MOBIX since its mar­ket­place pro­vides the nec­ces­sary fea­tures needed!

From the user per­spec­tive, MOBIX pro­vides a trust­wor­thy, privacy-preserving way of always know­ing the best micro­mo­bil­i­ty offer­ings, hav­ing access to a per­son­alised feed with actu­al events, and don’t‑miss pro­mo­tions, avail­able in the MOBIX Wal­let .The MOBIX Wal­let is the crux of the mat­ter, it also allows for receiv­ing and send­ing MOBX tokens. While the user receives MOBX Reward tokens for all micro­mo­bil­i­ty ser­vices she uses, her per­son­al assis­tants, the so-called Autonomous Agents, work on her behalf and pro­vide her with the best pos­si­ble infor­ma­tion. These agents are the ones that pull the pro­mo­tion­al infor­ma­tion from the MSPs and MIPs, com­pare it with her bosse‘s (i.e. the user‘s) pref­er­ences, and – in case of a match – will pro­vide her with the respec­tive con­tex­tu­al­ized information.

In com­bi­na­tion, MOBIX Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Mar­ket­ing and the MOBIX Wal­let, offer an industry-first solu­tion to a hith­er­to unsolved chal­lenge: a con­tex­tu­al­ized, privacy-preserving marketing.

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