Data Is The New Oil — Monetizing Data On The MOBIX Marketplace

Where does the money come from? You don‘t have to have a mas­ter in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion or eco­nom­ics to know that every prod­uct, ser­vice, or project needs some­one who pays for it. Although one could get the the impres­sion that in cryp­toland, money could be eas­i­ly print­ed based on hot air, typ­i­cal­ly, it has to be earned some­how. That‘s why we have a prop­er busi­ness model as a foun­da­tion­al layer of MOBIX – the MOBIX Marketplace.

In essence, the MOBIX busi­ness model is a very tra­di­tion­al one, espe­cial­ly in the dig­i­tal domain: adver­tis­ing. How­ev­er, what sounds quite famil­iar and per­haps even a bit odd, comes in a quite new out­fit: adver­tis­ing in a privacy-preserving, GDPR-compliant, contextually-targeted way.

Privacy-preserving, GDPR- com­pli­ant Advertising

How can adver­tis­ing be privacy-preserving? On the MOBIX mar­ket­place, Micro­mo­bil­i­ty Ser­vice Providers MSPs, and other Value Added Ser­vices (VAS) can pro­mote their prod­ucts and ser­vices to micro­mo­bil­i­ty users. By using the MOBIX Mar­ket­ing dash­board, they pro­vide their ser­vices only to those MOBIX users whose pref­er­ences con­tain the respec­tive ser­vices and who have agreed to receive the respec­tive pro­mo­tions. Since there will be mil­lions and mil­lions of these trans­ac­tions, users don‘t act them­selves, man­u­al­ly, but pass these tasks over to their per­son­al soft­ware agents that man­age all the pri­va­cy and pref­er­ence stuff on behalf of their mas­ters. autonomous agents take care of pro­tect­ing MOBIX users‘ privacy.

Con­tex­tu­al, Tar­get­ed Advertising

For con­sumers, as well as for adver­tis­ers, it makes sense to share pro­mo­tions that match the users‘ pref­er­ences. The bet­ter the match, the high­er the chance for a sale. We all are con­sumers, and we all need to buy prod­ucts and ser­vices every other day. Today, we are spammed with more or less tar­get­ed ads, which both­ers us, con­sumers, just as much as it both­ers the adver­tis­ers who are throw­ing 80% of their mar­ket­ing bud­gets away. Much more effi­cient for adver­tis­ers, and much less annoy­ing for con­sumers would be a tar­get­ed, con­tex­tu­al­ized approach: con­sumers with a cer­tain pref­er­ence receive pro­mo­tions for ser­vices match­ing their pref­er­ences in the right con­text. Again, not the MOBIX user her­self has to both­er how to care for the best pos­si­ble pro­mo­tions – it‘s her per­son­al agent who does it.

Data Is The New Oil – Or: Mon­etis­ing Data With MOBIX

Soon, there will be 3 bil­lion peo­ple around the globe using micro­mo­bil­i­ty in one way or anoth­er. With every sin­gle move­ment and trans­port, a bulk of data will be pro­duced. Where­as nobody expects indi­vid­u­als to sell their trans­port data to some­one at a large scale, the MOBIX Mar­ket­place pro­vides a way to actu­al­ly mon­e­tize that data. To pro­mote their prod­ucts and ser­vices, MSPs and VASs use MOBX tokens that will be dis­trib­uted among MOBIX, and the users for agree­ing on mak­ing use of their data (MOBIX uses a so-called Compute-to-Data approach which allows for doing com­pu­ta­tion on data with­out shar­ing them). MOBIX users are reward­ed for allow­ing mar­ke­teers to com­pute on their data (again: not for shar­ing data – no user data ever will be shared).

This quite com­plex sys­tem is based on an inte­gra­tion of our part­ners’ Autonomous Eco­nom­ic Agents and OCEAN Pro­to­col Data Mar­ket­place in the MOBIX Mar­ket­place. The under­ly­ing Self-Sovereign Iden­ti­ty SSI base allows users to stay in full con­trol of their pri­va­cy. Besides the mon­e­ti­za­tion of data for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es, MOBX will pro­vide data to improve eco-friendly urban­i­sa­tion projects around the world. Cities will become real Smart Cities when city coun­cils and gov­ern­ments can make use of the traf­fic and trans­port behav­iour of urban residents.

This busi­ness model is the eco­nom­ic foun­da­tion of the MOBIX Mar­ket­place. We can’t wait to launch our first prod­uct, the MOBIX Wal­let, which will be the nucle­us for man­ag­ing the MOBX token, mak­ing use of micro­mo­bil­i­ty, and, final­ly, mon­e­tize data in a privacy-preserving, GDPR-compliant way. Look­ing for­ward to the very first step, the stake­drop of MOBX tokens, start­ing July, 30th!

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