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The Mindful Revolution

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User Generated History

Today in a Ger­man week­ly: The author scoffs at Web 2.0, Inter­net start-ups in gen­er­al and these User Gen­er­at­ed His­to­ry sites like miomi, mem­o­loop, xakasha or einestages in par­tic­u­lar. In Ger­many inter­net entre­pre­neur bash­ing is en vogue at most times. Media fan­cies itself as the wise coun­cil hav­ing it all known long before. But — think a moment: User Gen­er­at­ed His­to­ry is it. It real­ly makes me cry not hav­ing launched one

Techblog barred from CES for life

CES banned blog­gers for life on vis­it­ing CES because they inter­fered with hun­derds of plas­ma and lcd dis­plays with their remote con­trol TV-B-Gone as it can be seen here:

Media Business Models on the Web

Chris Ander­son start­ed a list of Busi­ness Mod­els on the Web and Fred Wil­son added his thoughts what Dave McClure also did. So far there are 28 dif­fer­ent mod­els: — CPM ads (“cost per thou­sand views”; ban­ner ads online and reg­u­lar ads in print, TV and radio) — CPC ads (“cost per click”; think Google ads) — CPT ads (“cost per trans­ac­tion”; you pay only if the cus­tomer brought to you from


Just read about this new Live­blog­ging Tool cover­itlive. After reg­is­tra­tion and some test­ing I am unde­cid­ed whether its a cool tool for live­blog­gers or anoth­er idea what to make out of twit­ter and tumblr.

Macworld Keynote predictions

Keynote Vorher­sagen from NEROTUNES / NEROWINGER on Vimeo. via Nero

Phone Calls with iPod Touch

How to con­vert an iPod Touch into an iPhone:

If u think u r surrounded by idiots, …

if u think u r sur­round­ed by idiots, u r prob­a­bly just an ass­hole via Marshallk

Igor Eskinja: Made In:side, 2006

I park like an Idiot

any vol­un­teers? it’s a ques­tion of style… via hrheingold

Writers’ Strike turns Americans to online videos

Don’t know whether the writer’s guild has intend­ed exact­ly that: Accord­ing to net mea­sure­ment firm Nielsen Online, some online video sites have dou­bled their audi­ence since the strike began at the end of October.

Twitter — Instant message into the Cloud

One of the best def­i­n­i­tions of twit­ter I heard so far comes from Mike Butch­er, the British voice of Techcrunch. IM can’t do what Twit­ter does. You can’t instant mes­sage into “the cloud”. With Twit­ter you can. You can shout or whis­per what­ev­er you want to say out into the ether and any­one online can hear you. 

The Search Party continues

What start­ed with search ended (?) in adver­tis­ing. Two boy­ish nerds grow older, marry and become wiser and end up (?) as some cor­po­rate (jets and stuff) big­fish. At the end they will tell their grand­chil­dren that it was one of the best par­ties they attend­ed. Or, as Eric says: But one of the mis­takes we’re not going to make is the mis­take that non-scientists make. We’re going to make mistakes


The Mind­ful Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

Die Acht­same Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

What‘s our prob­lem?, Tim Urban

Rebel Ideas — The Power of Diverse Think­ing, Matthew Syed

Die Macht unser­er Gene, Daniel Wallerstorfer

Jel­ly­fish Age Back­wards, Nick­las Brendborg

The Expec­ta­tion Effect, David Robson

Breathe, James Nestor

The Idea of the Brain, Matthew Cobb

The Great Men­tal Mod­els I, Shane Parrish

Sim­ple Rules, Don­ald Sull, Kath­leen M. Eisenhardt

Mit Igno­ran­ten sprechen, Peter Modler

The Secret Lan­guage of Cells, Jon Lieff

Evo­lu­tion of Desire: A Life of René Girard, Cyn­thia L. Haven

Grasp: The Sci­ence Trans­form­ing How We Learn, San­jay Sara

Rewire Your Brain , John B. Arden

The Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof

The Way of the Ice­man, Koen de Jong

Soft Wired — How The New Sci­ence of Brain Plas­tic­i­ty Can Change Your Life, Michael Merzenich

The Brain That Changes Itself, Nor­man Doidge

Lifes­pan, David Sinclair

Out­live — The Sci­ence and Art of Longevi­ty, Peter Attia

Younger You — Reduce Your Bioage And Live Longer, Kara N. Fitzgerald

What Does­n’t Kill Us, Scott Carney

Suc­cess­ful Aging, Daniel Levithin

Der Ernährungskom­pass, Bas Kast

The Way We Eat Now, Bee Wilson

Dein Gehirn weiss mehr als Du denkst, Niels Birbaumer

Denken: Wie das Gehirn Bewusst­sein schafft, Stanis­las Dehaene

Mind­ful­ness, Ellen J. Langer

100 Plus: How The Com­ing Age of Longevi­ty Will Change Every­thing, Sonia Arrison

Think­ing Like A Plant, Craig Holdredge

Das Geheime Wis­sen unser­er Zellen, Son­dra Barret

The Code of the Extra­or­di­nary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani

Altered Traits, Daniel Cole­man, Richard Davidson

The Brain’s Way Of Heal­ing, Nor­man Doidge

The Last Best Cure, Donna Jack­son Nakazawa

The Inner Game of Ten­nis, W. Tim­o­thy Gallway

Run­ning Lean, Ash Maurya

Sleep — Schlafen wie die Profis, Nick Littlehales