There definitely is a truth in horoscopes: They contain what people want to hear. Anyone interested in his personal horoscope cast by me?
Facebook and Google join
Hehe — didn’t expect them reacting that fast to my call for an openID for Social Networks.… but today announced that Google and Facebook joined their ranks. Google will be represented by Brad Fitzpatrick, the inventor of LiveJournal and one of the primary minds behind OpenID. Facebook will be represented by Benjamin Ling, who today runs the Facebook platform. Marshall has more… Unfortunately we in the EU do have some
Italian-style Starbucks
One very offline business idea came into my mind: You all know Starbucks. Starbucks entered a overcrowded market (you got your coffee nearly everywhere) with a commodity product (coffee). The result: they are extremely successful and are running 13.000+ stores worldwide. In Europe, especially in Germany, Italian food is ubiquitous — here in Munich we have hundreds of little pizza restaurants and Italian coffee bars. I think it’s time for an Italian-style Starbucks: restaurants-cum-takeaways
Difficult customers trigger service quality
Returning from a relaxing wellness-weekend in Austria I am still wondering about the complaints of the hotel owner (aged about 40) this morning during breakfast: “In earlier days our guests were a lot more easy going. No complaints about dinners, the kind of music played at ceremonial occasions, etc. Nowadays most of them dislike this and that, want to change the menues and do not return for holidays if they objected to the