There are lots of recommendations about when starting a business. Mostly, we are advised to start-up when times are good and we can afford to invest some time and money in building our own self-employed careers. Since I’ve discussed that several times over the last weeks, and, as so often, my view does not fit into the prevailing view, here are my 2 cents: The best time to start with something new
How To Have A Simple Life As An Entrepreneur
I really like that infographic. These recommendations could describe a winegrower — and hey — wouldn’t it be nice to actually be a winegrower?
Auf einen Espresso: Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur at Web 2.0 Summit 2009, San Francisco
During the San Francisco Web 2.0 Summit 2009 I had the opportunity to chat with Seesmic Founder and Le Web organizer Loic Le Meur. As a Frenchman turned Californian he knows both the US and European perspective of venture capital and starting companies. His general advice to entrepreneurs: “Get your product out as fast as possible. Even if it’s buggy — there will be feedback — and that helps you to get
Herr, schick Unternehmergeist vom Himmel!
Sonntag nachmittag, eine der letzten Printausgaben der FAZ wird gelesen, bevor es keine Zeitungen mehr gibt: Beruf und Chance — so der Titel des Supplements, der gerade in schwierigen Zeiten wie diesen aufbaut und versucht, Mut und Aufbruchstimmung zu vermitteln. Letzte Seite: “Vom Hörsaal in den Chefsessel” — eine ganze Seite über die Selbständigkeit — toll, denke ich, welche Tips haben die Experten für junge potentielle Entrepreneure? Doch bereits in den
Investment Conditions
So here are my conditions for an investment in your start-up: It can be an existing business or a start up. It can not be a business that generates any revenue from advertising. Why ? Because I want this to be a business where you sell something and get paid for it. That’s the only way to get and stay profitable in such a short period of time. It MUST BE CASH FLOW BREAK EVEN within
Employees Suck
Angetan von John Buckmans Präsentation auf der LeWeb in Paris empfehle ich diese Slides allen, die sich selbständig gemacht haben oder dies planen! Employees Suck View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: bookmooch magnatune) Sure-fire ways to move toward self-employment, quit your job and live happily ever after. SlideShare Link