Having enjoyed a few days of skiing in Italy, I was reminded of a pearl of wisdom by a ski instructor of my kids. After a downhill run, when discussing what to improve skiing, the instructor told my son: “Not the slope must change — it can’t — you must!” In other words: Change yourself before you try changing the world! This simple statement by a veritable expert in this field (as opposed to my son’s father)

New Product Development in the Age of Smart Things
If you’re responsible for new product development in your company, you will be familiar with the several steps of that process. Experts mostly separate the new product development process into seven or eight steps, starting with idea generation and finishing with a post-launch review. The fact that more and more things become smart; i.e. they either feature some intelligence or they are connected and controlled through the IoT, has significant implications
Behinderst Du Dich selbst?
Ein interessantes Ergebnis seiner Arbeit mit Managern liefert Coach Christopher R. Edgar: In das Umfeld projizierte negative Erwartungen schränken einen Menschen in seinem Verhalten und seiner Ausstrahlung ein. Konkret: Wenn ich glaube, dass mein Gesprächspartner hinsichtlich meiner Idee, meines Unternehmens oder meiner Einschätzung keine positive Meinung hat, verhalte ich mich nicht natürlich, sondern lasse mich von diesen negativen Erwartungen leiten und bleibe unter meinen Möglichkeiten. Guy liefert dazu den Ratschlag