I’m very happy to announce the publication of my first book: The Mindful Revolution. It took me much longer than expected — the original release date was November 2019. However, I realized that it’s quite a challenge to write a book while growing a company that itself is more than a fascinating task. The Mindful Revolution is not a lifestyle book describing the latest wellness trend, but it’s my attempt to formulate a thesis of how human beings must change in order to preserve planet earth as a liveable habitat. I think, we as a species have to change significantly — or we face extinction, sooner than we might imagine: The Mindful Revolution — Entering the next evolutionary level.
The issue here is no scaremongering but resolving global challenges that each of us is confronted with, individually. There has been an ongoing migration of poor, desperate people from regions unliveable due to the climate crisis, poverty, and wars. We can watch — live on TV — how people drown in the sea, being prevented from reaching safe land. We also watch live on TV how incompetent, corrupt, but democratically elected heads of states issue rules and guidelines while ignoring domain experts and scientific advice. We, in the first world, discuss, demonstrate, and donate in order to add our fair share to the fight against global threats. But, is that enough?

Many of us share a feeling of an increasing exasperation, the notion that even our aggregated efforts could not suffice to save planet earth as a liveable habitat. Some have started working on escape plans by exploring other planets as potential habitats. But, even the best of these alternative scenarios would most probably translate in very limited living spaces for a fraction of the 1%. So, let’s forget about these, for a moment.
In The Mindful Revolution, I share my thoughts about how human beings must — and can — change in order to save our planet. My perspective is a very individual one: I don’t try to solve global problems by operating giant levers, e.g. by influencing the heads of the United Nations or states to improve their regiments.
The Mindful Revolution — Entering the next evolutionary level.
My perspective is, first and foremost, inward-bound. Based on my layman’s knowledge of neuroscience, combined with my entrepreneurial experience in several technologies, I have developed the thesis of a possible reconnection of our brain with our body (or: intuition) that allows for entering a higher level of understanding and addressing global challenges. As with all technologies, after a certain duration of development, each technology reaches the final stage of its inherent potential. For instance, look at combustion engines. Car manufacturers have fine-tuned car engines to the max — we have now reached the point where each additional incremental improvement would take tremendous efforts that, in turn, would overcompensate the gains. Thus, the advent of the electric vehicle: a completely different technology is needed to move forward and to allow for individual transport in the future.
In the same way, EVs displace the combustion engine, a higher level of awareness attained by leveraged human capabilities through the reconnection of brain and body can take over from our limited, linear, first-order-thinking-based strategies to run the world. There’s no time to discuss and ponder, we have to act. In The Mindful Revolution I propose a peaceful, scientifically-proven, and low-cost way to enter the next level in the evolution of mankind. Looking forward to your feedback!