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The Mindful Revolution

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The Lull Before The Blockchain And AI Digitization Storm

The Lull Before The Blockchain And AI Digitization Storm

We tend to over­es­ti­mate the effect of a tech­nol­o­gy in the short run and under­es­ti­mate the effect in the long run”, the old adage by Roy Amara, was more than obvi­ous dur­ing Dif­fu­sion 2019, a 400+ devel­op­ers hackathon that took place in Berlin from 18–20 OCT 2019. Con­ver­gence, the coa­les­cence of today‘s hottest tech­nolo­gies, AI and Blockchain, was the theme of two days full of work­shops, talks, and, of course, hack­ing. My

Michael Reuter becomes an advisor to Outlier Ventures

Work With And Learn From People Smarter Than You!

Asked about his recipe for suc­cess in busi­ness, Richard Bran­son once said he hired peo­ple bet­ter than him­self, have them embrace his vision, and let them work on it by them­selves. At a sig­nif­i­cant­ly small­er scale of suc­cess, I have applied his recipe since. And for our com­pa­nies Datarel­la, Baltic Data Sci­ence and the new­born RAAY RE this has worked out per­fect­ly. Now, I‘m hon­ored to become an advi­sor to Blockchain and AI


Solving Global Challenges — Start With Accepting Complexity

If the blind spot of today‘s eco­nom­ic, social, and envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment can be reduced to one sin­gle word, it is con­scious­ness. High­ly spe­cial­ized actors in dif­fer­ent domains focus on opti­miz­ing their respec­tive fields of inter­est, neglect­ing inter­de­pen­den­cies, and not com­pris­ing real­i­ty as a whole but rather as many inde­pen­dent real­i­ties. Bridg­ing the gap between dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines through cross-sectoral coöper­a­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion is one of today’s most impor­tant sci­en­tif­ic, polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, and

Have interesting and insightful conversations!

It’s Rewarding To Have Insightful Conversations — Start Your’s Today!

Yes­ter­day, I had to spend sev­er­al hours on trains mov­ing across Ger­many. Being an expe­ri­enced entre­pre­neur, I obvi­ous­ly had pre­pared myself per­fect­ly and lots of work to be done. When I arrived back home yes­ter­day night, I had done almost noth­ing of it — and yet, I felt great — it’s reward­ing to have insight­ful con­ver­sa­tions! Most of the time dur­ing the out­ward run I spent com­mu­ni­cat­ing about a poten­tial new ven­ture. Not planned at all, but

Track & Trust - Synchronizing Blockchain With Satellite Technology

Track & Trust — Synchronizing Blockchain With Satellite Technology

Wow. Our Datarel­la Blockchain Archi­tect Rebec­ca has done a tremen­dous job! She leads the Datarel­la team that came up with this first mile­stone for our Track & Trust project with the Euro­pean Space Agency ESA: Track & Trust — Syn­chro­niz­ing Blockchain With Satel­lite Tech­nol­o­gy Togeth­er with ESA, we want to find out how satel­lite data can be used to facil­i­tate last-mile track­ing of sup­ply chains in remote areas. Often, aid deliv­ery can be

Banking the unbanked Internet of Things IoT

Create the Economy of Things By Banking The Unbanked IoT

Bank­ing the Unbanked always refers to human beings and their enable­ment to par­tic­i­pate in the glob­al finan­cial sys­tem by pro­vid­ing them with bank accounts. In this post, I sug­gest cre­at­ing the Econ­o­my of Things by bank­ing the unbanked IoT — i.e. machines, devices, and tools with­in the Inter­net of Things IoT. Glob­al­iza­tion has made our world a small­er place: through the inter­net, we know every­thing that hap­pens some­where with­in min­utes, through air

RAAY RE - Leveraging Blockchain To Disrupt the Real Estate Industry

Leveraging Blockchain Technology To Disrupt The Real Estate Industry

On 1 August, we announced our new joint ven­ture RAAY RE we have found­ed togeth­er with our part­ners Ham­mer AG and Wert­grund AG. RAAY RE, which stands for RAAY Real Estate, is our first ver­ti­cal with­in the RAAY Oper­at­ing Sys­tem fam­i­ly. RRE is lever­ag­ing Blockchain tech­nol­o­gy to dis­rupt the real estate indus­try. The real estate indus­try has been boom­ing for more than 10 years and most play­ers with­in the indus­try have

Enterprise Evolution Model - The Modularisation of the Value Chain

Enterprise Evolution Model — The Modularisation of the Value Chain

Yes­ter­day was a great day: I could wit­ness the oper­a­tional­iza­tion of my enter­prise pro­to­col evo­lu­tion model. Nobody at the MunichRe sym­po­sium specif­i­cal­ly talked about the model. How­ev­er, the symposium’s theme “Mod­u­lar­i­sa­tion of the Insur­ance Value Chain” actu­al­ly is the oper­a­tional­ized ver­sion of it. Here’s my per­spec­tive on the next evo­lu­tion­ary phase of com­pa­nies: enter­pris­es will be orga­nized like mod­u­larised pro­to­cols: Enter­prise Evo­lu­tion Model — The Mod­u­lar­i­sa­tion of the Value Chain. In my model,

Cultural change triggers neuroplasticity in human brains

Cultural Change Triggers Neuroplasticity In Human Brains

We become cul­tured through train­ing in var­i­ous activ­i­ties, such as cus­toms, arts, inter­act­ing with peo­ple, the use of tech­nolo­gies, and the dis­cov­er­ing of ideas, the learn­ing of beliefs, shared philoso­phies, and reli­gion. Our brains are mod­i­fied by our cul­tur­al activ­i­ties: Cul­tur­al change trig­gers the neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty of human brains. Since all our brain mod­ules are plas­tic to some degree, we have the abil­i­ty to cre­ate sig­na­ture cul­tur­al activ­i­ties and to respond

Our functional cognitive architectures are changed by the culture we live in

Our Functional Cognitive Architectures Are Modified By Our Culture

Thanks to neu­ro­science research, we today know that we don‘t exclu­sive­ly absorb cul­ture through uni­ver­sal­ly shared, standard-issue, human per­cep­tu­al equip­ment, but cul­ture deter­mines what we can and can‘t per­ceive. Our func­tion­al cog­ni­tive archi­tec­tures are mod­i­fied by our cul­ture. The impact of this so-called per­cep­tu­al learn­ing is big­ger than most of us imag­ine. Not only lit­er­a­cy and lan­guage but also such fun­da­men­tal brain activ­i­ties, such as sight and per­cep­tion, are changed

Connecting the Dots - The Synchronicity Strategy

Connecting The Dots — The Synchronicity Strategy

Being an entre­pre­neur, my life has always been thrilling and rich in vari­ety. While study­ing and after a few stunts as a work­ing stu­dent at Henkel, it was clear to me to become self-employed — I want­ed to be my own boss. Being an entre­pre­neur, I always have my curios­i­ty radar turned on — which sup­ports my Con­nect­ing the Dots — the Syn­chronic­i­ty Strat­e­gy. I start­ed with Web 1.0, an online trav­el agency, a pure e‑commerce

After The Cognitive Revolution Comes The Mindful Revolution

After The Cognitive Revolution Comes The Mindful Revolution

Mankind seems to have reached a cross­roads. At envi­ron­men­tal, polit­i­cal, and eco­nom­ic lev­els more and more urgent haz­ard warn­ings appear. Man has to cope with this high-speed change, and there are many well-intended activ­i­ties already under­way. How­ev­er, what we need to sur­vive exceeds fast-track res­cue plans and well-meant com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment. We have to bethink our­selves of our inher­ent abil­i­ties and lever­age our entire skillset — after the Cog­ni­tive Rev­o­lu­tion there comes the


The Mind­ful Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

Die Acht­same Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

What‘s our prob­lem?, Tim Urban

Rebel Ideas — The Power of Diverse Think­ing, Matthew Syed

Die Macht unser­er Gene, Daniel Wallerstorfer

Jel­ly­fish Age Back­wards, Nick­las Brendborg

The Expec­ta­tion Effect, David Robson

Breathe, James Nestor

The Idea of the Brain, Matthew Cobb

The Great Men­tal Mod­els I, Shane Parrish

Sim­ple Rules, Don­ald Sull, Kath­leen M. Eisenhardt

Mit Igno­ran­ten sprechen, Peter Modler

The Secret Lan­guage of Cells, Jon Lieff

Evo­lu­tion of Desire: A Life of René Girard, Cyn­thia L. Haven

Grasp: The Sci­ence Trans­form­ing How We Learn, San­jay Sara

Rewire Your Brain , John B. Arden

The Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof

The Way of the Ice­man, Koen de Jong

Soft Wired — How The New Sci­ence of Brain Plas­tic­i­ty Can Change Your Life, Michael Merzenich

The Brain That Changes Itself, Nor­man Doidge

Lifes­pan, David Sinclair

Out­live — The Sci­ence and Art of Longevi­ty, Peter Attia

Younger You — Reduce Your Bioage And Live Longer, Kara N. Fitzgerald

What Does­n’t Kill Us, Scott Carney

Suc­cess­ful Aging, Daniel Levithin

Der Ernährungskom­pass, Bas Kast

The Way We Eat Now, Bee Wilson

Dein Gehirn weiss mehr als Du denkst, Niels Birbaumer

Denken: Wie das Gehirn Bewusst­sein schafft, Stanis­las Dehaene

Mind­ful­ness, Ellen J. Langer

100 Plus: How The Com­ing Age of Longevi­ty Will Change Every­thing, Sonia Arrison

Think­ing Like A Plant, Craig Holdredge

Das Geheime Wis­sen unser­er Zellen, Son­dra Barret

The Code of the Extra­or­di­nary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani

Altered Traits, Daniel Cole­man, Richard Davidson

The Brain’s Way Of Heal­ing, Nor­man Doidge

The Last Best Cure, Donna Jack­son Nakazawa

The Inner Game of Ten­nis, W. Tim­o­thy Gallway

Run­ning Lean, Ash Maurya

Sleep — Schlafen wie die Profis, Nick Littlehales