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The Mindful Revolution

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Medien im Wandel — aber wer bekommt ihn mit?

Heute durfte ich einer Tagung bei­wohnen, die ex post betra­chtet deut­lich von ihrem Aus­tra­gung­sort, dem Alten Rathaus in München, bee­in­flusst zu sein schien. Aber dazu später mehr. Nach ein­führen­den Worten von Frau Jor­dan, Gat­tin des erkrank­ten Peter Jor­dan, dem Geschäfts­führer des Medien-Netzwerks München, sowie Dr. Rein­hard Wiec­zorek, Leit­er Refer­at Arbeit und Wirtschaft der Stadt München, der uns darüber aufk­lärte, warum im wun­der­schö­nen Rathaus­saal Wand­plaket­ten von Mittel-Indien hän­gen, hielt Bernard Weber

Germans — upholders of moral standards

Deutsche Post’s Ex-CEO Klaus Zumwinkel has been picked up early in the morn­ing by tax inves­ti­ga­tors — staged live with TV cams. In the fol­low­ing days Mr Zumwinkel’s tax eva­sion was the No 1 con­tent in Ger­man media. He was­n’t alone — the BND — the Ger­man spies — has bought a CD with thou­sands of address­es of Ger­man clients of the LGT Bank in Liecht­en­stein, a tax haven. A deer-hunt fol­lowed. Peer

UGC Day at Schloss Hohenkammer

Guess who invit­ed to today’s User Gen­er­at­ed Con­tent day at the pic­turesque Schloss Hohenkam­mer near Munich? It was KPMG — yes this KPMG. They even sent a cor­po­rate bus with about ten employ­ees who appar­ent­ly were happy with half a day off. Seven hours packed with inter­est­ing pan­els and high-profile speak­ers were worth it! First, Sven Gabor Jan­szky described a typ­i­cal day in 2017, when we all will con­sume media in a total­ly dif­fer­ent way

The heard work of an anesthetist

Is Print dead? Brockhaus stops printed edition.

Guten­berg was a great guy. He enabled bil­lions of peo­ple to read what oth­ers had writ­ten. That was in in the 1450s. Today, on 13th of Feb­ru­ary 2008, pub­lish­ing house Brock­haus announces the stop of their print­ed edi­tion “The Brock­haus”. The rea­son: the suprema­cy of wikipedia online ency­clopae­dias does not allow the pro­duc­tion of a print­ed edi­tion any longer. Is that the his­tor­i­cal event as it will be seen by many or

YiGG cooperates with

It is a very good match: YiGG will coöper­ate with, the biggest polit­i­cal plat­form in Ger­many. Users of both sites will expe­ri­ence numer­ous ben­e­fits surf­ing either the user gen­er­at­ed news site con­sum­ing daily long-tail news or look­ing for the newest polit­i­cal event, inter­view or analy­sis on edit­ed by polit­i­cal jour­nal­ists. We’ll try hard to offer a the best com­bi­na­tion of Web 2.0 and edi­to­r­i­al analy­sis of world­wide pol­i­tics seen

Cool Science: Walkalong Glider

This Wal­ka­long glid­er is con­trolled by the air your body moves — but at first it looks just like magic! It was invent­ed by Tyler Mac­Cready, who was 10 years old at the time.

Animated Business Card

Chung Dha Lam, a stu­dent at Grafisch Lyceum Rot­ter­dam in the Nether­lands, got the idea of his ani­mat­ed busi­ness card after receiv­ing a spe­cial book called ‘Magic Mov­ing Images’. By using a print­ed over­lay ani­ma­tion to vamp up his reg­u­lar old busi­ness card, his mis­sion was to catch more atten­tion and make the receiv­er remem­ber the card bet­ter and stand out from the oth­ers thus ensur­ing that it doesn’t get thrown away —

Gas Station Robot

So — who needs to fuel by him­self or even a gas sta­tion atten­dant any­more? Comes the gas sta­tion robot Tankpit­stop! This hum­ble ser­vant fuels your car with con­sid­er­a­tion — he is not the fastest one — but you don’t have to leave your car! But — how to pay the robot?

New geotargeting feature mapNews on YiGG

Today we launched the new geo­tar­get­ing fea­ture map­News on YiGG. Every news can be enriched with its loca­tion code, a city or even a com­bi­na­tion of a city and a street­name, like ‘München, Lind­wurm­strasse’. On the detail view of every news users can see where all those YiG­Gers inter­est­ed in this news come from, by open­ing the google map via the ‘Karte’-link. Then there are two tabs ‘Aktuell’ and ‘Beliebt’. ‘Aktuell’ shows the latest

Microsoft and Yahoo — that makes sense indeed

Today Microsoft announced a $44 bil­lion bid for Yahoo — either in a friend­ly or unfriend­ly takover trans­ac­tion. With­in min­utes twit­ter and blogs have been full of com­ments on that announce­ment — nowa­days it can be assumed that twit­ter users know the­ses things before most Yahoo employ­ees do. Inter­est­ing­ly most com­ments in the Ger­man blo­gos­phere or the old media have come with neg­a­tive head­lines and mock­ing under­tones, like: “Zwei angezählte Riesen heiraten

Is Web Design a Matter of Taste?

Today we decid­ed on the new web­de­sign. Did not expect that to hap­pen dur­ing my life­time so I am pret­ty relaxed now. Is design a mat­ter of taste? Most peo­ple would say yes I assume. Or is there a good / bad design? Yes, sure there are good and bad designs — you might reply. But — who is right? Isn’t there the one and only author­i­ty of design? Please — help 😉 


The Mind­ful Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

Die Acht­same Rev­o­lu­tion, Michael Reuter

What‘s our prob­lem?, Tim Urban

Rebel Ideas — The Power of Diverse Think­ing, Matthew Syed

Die Macht unser­er Gene, Daniel Wallerstorfer

Jel­ly­fish Age Back­wards, Nick­las Brendborg

The Expec­ta­tion Effect, David Robson

Breathe, James Nestor

The Idea of the Brain, Matthew Cobb

The Great Men­tal Mod­els I, Shane Parrish

Sim­ple Rules, Don­ald Sull, Kath­leen M. Eisenhardt

Mit Igno­ran­ten sprechen, Peter Modler

The Secret Lan­guage of Cells, Jon Lieff

Evo­lu­tion of Desire: A Life of René Girard, Cyn­thia L. Haven

Grasp: The Sci­ence Trans­form­ing How We Learn, San­jay Sara

Rewire Your Brain , John B. Arden

The Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof

The Way of the Ice­man, Koen de Jong

Soft Wired — How The New Sci­ence of Brain Plas­tic­i­ty Can Change Your Life, Michael Merzenich

The Brain That Changes Itself, Nor­man Doidge

Lifes­pan, David Sinclair

Out­live — The Sci­ence and Art of Longevi­ty, Peter Attia

Younger You — Reduce Your Bioage And Live Longer, Kara N. Fitzgerald

What Does­n’t Kill Us, Scott Carney

Suc­cess­ful Aging, Daniel Levithin

Der Ernährungskom­pass, Bas Kast

The Way We Eat Now, Bee Wilson

Dein Gehirn weiss mehr als Du denkst, Niels Birbaumer

Denken: Wie das Gehirn Bewusst­sein schafft, Stanis­las Dehaene

Mind­ful­ness, Ellen J. Langer

100 Plus: How The Com­ing Age of Longevi­ty Will Change Every­thing, Sonia Arrison

Think­ing Like A Plant, Craig Holdredge

Das Geheime Wis­sen unser­er Zellen, Son­dra Barret

The Code of the Extra­or­di­nary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani

Altered Traits, Daniel Cole­man, Richard Davidson

The Brain’s Way Of Heal­ing, Nor­man Doidge

The Last Best Cure, Donna Jack­son Nakazawa

The Inner Game of Ten­nis, W. Tim­o­thy Gallway

Run­ning Lean, Ash Maurya

Sleep — Schlafen wie die Profis, Nick Littlehales