Heute durfte ich einer Tagung beiwohnen, die ex post betrachtet deutlich von ihrem Austragungsort, dem Alten Rathaus in München, beeinflusst zu sein schien. Aber dazu später mehr. Nach einführenden Worten von Frau Jordan, Gattin des erkrankten Peter Jordan, dem Geschäftsführer des Medien-Netzwerks München, sowie Dr. Reinhard Wieczorek, Leiter Referat Arbeit und Wirtschaft der Stadt München, der uns darüber aufklärte, warum im wunderschönen Rathaussaal Wandplaketten von Mittel-Indien hängen, hielt Bernard Weber
Medien im Wandel — aber wer bekommt ihn mit?
Germans — upholders of moral standards
Deutsche Post’s Ex-CEO Klaus Zumwinkel has been picked up early in the morning by tax investigators — staged live with TV cams. In the following days Mr Zumwinkel’s tax evasion was the No 1 content in German media. He wasn’t alone — the BND — the German spies — has bought a CD with thousands of addresses of German clients of the LGT Bank in Liechtenstein, a tax haven. A deer-hunt followed. Peer
UGC Day at Schloss Hohenkammer
Guess who invited to today’s User Generated Content day at the picturesque Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich? It was KPMG — yes this KPMG. They even sent a corporate bus with about ten employees who apparently were happy with half a day off. Seven hours packed with interesting panels and high-profile speakers were worth it! First, Sven Gabor Janszky described a typical day in 2017, when we all will consume media in a totally different way
Is Print dead? Brockhaus stops printed edition.
Gutenberg was a great guy. He enabled billions of people to read what others had written. That was in in the 1450s. Today, on 13th of February 2008, publishing house Brockhaus announces the stop of their printed edition “The Brockhaus”. The reason: the supremacy of wikipedia online encyclopaedias does not allow the production of a printed edition any longer. Is that the historical event as it will be seen by many or
YiGG cooperates with politik.de
It is a very good match: YiGG will coöperate with politik.de, the biggest political platform in Germany. Users of both sites will experience numerous benefits surfing either the user generated news site YiGG.de consuming daily long-tail news or looking for the newest political event, interview or analysis on politik.de edited by political journalists. We’ll try hard to offer a the best combination of Web 2.0 and editorial analysis of worldwide politics seen
Cool Science: Walkalong Glider
This Walkalong glider is controlled by the air your body moves — but at first it looks just like magic! It was invented by Tyler MacCready, who was 10 years old at the time.
Animated Business Card
Chung Dha Lam, a student at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam in the Netherlands, got the idea of his animated business card after receiving a special book called ‘Magic Moving Images’. By using a printed overlay animation to vamp up his regular old business card, his mission was to catch more attention and make the receiver remember the card better and stand out from the others thus ensuring that it doesn’t get thrown away —
Gas Station Robot
So — who needs to fuel by himself or even a gas station attendant anymore? Comes the gas station robot Tankpitstop! This humble servant fuels your car with consideration — he is not the fastest one — but you don’t have to leave your car! But — how to pay the robot?
New geotargeting feature mapNews on YiGG
Today we launched the new geotargeting feature mapNews on YiGG. Every news can be enriched with its location code, a city or even a combination of a city and a streetname, like ‘München, Lindwurmstrasse’. On the detail view of every news users can see where all those YiGGers interested in this news come from, by opening the google map via the ‘Karte’-link. Then there are two tabs ‘Aktuell’ and ‘Beliebt’. ‘Aktuell’ shows the latest
Microsoft and Yahoo — that makes sense indeed
Today Microsoft announced a $44 billion bid for Yahoo — either in a friendly or unfriendly takover transaction. Within minutes twitter and blogs have been full of comments on that announcement — nowadays it can be assumed that twitter users know theses things before most Yahoo employees do. Interestingly most comments in the German blogosphere or the old media have come with negative headlines and mocking undertones, like: “Zwei angezählte Riesen heiraten
Is Web Design a Matter of Taste?
Today we decided on the new webdesign. Did not expect that to happen during my lifetime so I am pretty relaxed now. Is design a matter of taste? Most people would say yes I assume. Or is there a good / bad design? Yes, sure there are good and bad designs — you might reply. But — who is right? Isn’t there the one and only authority of design? Please — help 😉