I’m very happy to announce the publication of Die Achtsame Revolution — the German version of The Mindful Revolution. The book is available as an eBook for Kindle Reader and apps as well as in a paperback version. Having received first feedback after the launch of The Mindful Revolution, it became clear that I would translate it and publish a German version, too. Due to many technical terms, most of the neuroscientific

The Mindful Revolution — Entering The Next Evolutionary Level
I’m very happy to announce the publication of my first book: The Mindful Revolution. It took me much longer than expected — the original release date was November 2019. However, I realized that it’s quite a challenge to write a book while growing a company that itself is more than a fascinating task. The Mindful Revolution is not a lifestyle book describing the latest wellness trend, but it’s my attempt to formulate a thesis of how human

The Mindful Revolution — How To Manage Complexity
After a few more months than originally planned, I today was able to publish my first book: The Mindful Revolution — How to manage the complexity of the world we have created. Although used to manage projects, I completely underestimated the effort to write a book while growing a company, having fun, and being faced with a quite new experience called a pandemic. Now, I’m glad it’s done and I’d be happy to discuss The Mindful Revolution

Change Yourself Before You Try Changing The World!
Having enjoyed a few days of skiing in Italy, I was reminded of a pearl of wisdom by a ski instructor of my kids. After a downhill run, when discussing what to improve skiing, the instructor told my son: “Not the slope must change — it can’t — you must!” In other words: Change yourself before you try changing the world! This simple statement by a veritable expert in this field (as opposed to my son’s father)