The Mindful Revolution, Michael Reuter
Die Achtsame Revolution, Michael Reuter
What‘s our problem?, Tim Urban
Rebel Ideas — The Power of Diverse Thinking, Matthew Syed
Die Macht unserer Gene, Daniel Wallerstorfer
Jellyfish Age Backwards, Nicklas Brendborg
The Expectation Effect, David Robson
Breathe, James Nestor
The Idea of the Brain, Matthew Cobb
The Great Mental Models I, Shane Parrish
Simple Rules, Donald Sull, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Mit Ignoranten sprechen, Peter Modler
The Secret Language of Cells, Jon Lieff
Evolution of Desire: A Life of René Girard, Cynthia L. Haven
Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn, Sanjay Sara
Rewire Your Brain , John B. Arden
The Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof
The Way of the Iceman, Koen de Jong
Soft Wired — How The New Science of Brain Plasticity Can Change Your Life, Michael Merzenich
The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge
Lifespan, David Sinclair
Outlive — The Science and Art of Longevity, Peter Attia
Younger You — Reduce Your Bioage And Live Longer, Kara N. Fitzgerald
What Doesn’t Kill Us, Scott Carney
Successful Aging, Daniel Levithin
Der Ernährungskompass, Bas Kast
The Way We Eat Now, Bee Wilson
Dein Gehirn weiss mehr als Du denkst, Niels Birbaumer
Denken: Wie das Gehirn Bewusstsein schafft, Stanislas Dehaene
Mindfulness, Ellen J. Langer
100 Plus: How The Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything, Sonia Arrison
Thinking Like A Plant, Craig Holdredge
Das Geheime Wissen unserer Zellen, Sondra Barret
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani
Altered Traits, Daniel Coleman, Richard Davidson
The Brain’s Way Of Healing, Norman Doidge
The Last Best Cure, Donna Jackson Nakazawa
The Inner Game of Tennis, W. Timothy Gallway
Running Lean, Ash Maurya
Sleep — Schlafen wie die Profis, Nick Littlehales
Interesting post, Michael. Times are out of joint. Maybe VCs are not the only ones missing lack vision.
Thanks, jeb. You’re right — we experience tough times. But I do not think that ‘tough times’ explain the little impact VCs have in Germany or Europe. Au contraire — not to invest in a crisis should be evidence of incapacity, shouldn’t it?
thanks, Loic. Yep — I ignored Wellington, one of the four German VCs with big funds. There are exceptions 😉
Then, taking the information presented in total, 25% of German VCs with major capital will invest in unproven innovation. I doubt very seriously that 25% of U.S. VCs with significant capital would invest in an early stage, unproven, forward looking business (if I am mistaken, point me in the right direction, I have a venture to fund). Therefore, the big issue is the low number of VCs with significant funds in Germany, not their approach to risk.
Margaret, what do you mean by saying “I doubt very seriously that 25% of U.S. VCs with significant capital would invest in an early stage, unproven, forward looking business”? What is a proven business?
Honestly — to fund a proven business I don’t need VCs — I talk with my banker (admittedly not these days 😉 or I fund it with my free cash flow. Don’t you see VCs as risk takers?
good post, I am not sure Seesmic is the next big idea, but note it has been funded also by German/European VC Wellington 🙂
I’m afraid you’re mixing different concepts: the fact that an investor would ask for a business model is not necessarily an explanation for different patterns of development for European venture investors. Intolerance for failure is perhaps the weakest points in the European way of doing and that’s where you have a point. Not too sure about your interpretation of Taleb’s analysis in the Black Swan if I may… Reading carefully Taleb’s works you will see that he questions success based on large initial samples where success is as much the product of randomness as it is a matter of skill. Furthermore Taleb insists on the idea of mathematical expectation of return as opposed to decision making based merely on probability of occurrence of one event or scenario. IMHO the US venture model is in stark contrast with Taleb’s take and the European one probably much closer.
I’d also like to offer another perspective which has to do with time spans: if you take long periods of time I doubt the US model is always adequate in particular because it does not seem to care much about side-effects, collateral damage, waste, social impacts, human impacts, environmental cost as it tries to boost the development of young companies. Europe has a tradition of companies growing steadily for 8–10 or more generations in the same family and I believe it is possible to prove that they deliver more value in the economy than “Blade Runner” companies, i.e. those that “shine twice as bright but live half as long”… In fact you might want to take a look at Bo Burlingham’s Small Giants if you haven’t done so already…
Thanks for your post, which gave me great food for thought!
thank you very much for your thoughtful comment. So we apparently agree on this:
»Intolerance for failure is perhaps the weakest points in the European way of doing«
Perhaps we interprete Taleb’s stream of thoughts differently: My experience is that German investors are trying to rationalize what cannot be rationalized by operationalizing criteria only within the ‘normal distribution curve’. They ignore “Extremistan”.
I appreciate your ‘long periods approach’ — yet I feel unsafe to assert a general ‘US single-mindedness’ vs a ‘European holistic perspective’ — if I summarize your take correctly. This is what we Europeans often adorn ourselves with. But is it more than anectdotal evidence?
This is probably true. The top VC names in Europe are probably not comparable to the KPCB and Sequoia Cap in US, more like the second
Lian Pheng, Managing Partner, Gingko Capital ( has widely published on top-tier journals and publications on insider secrets to fund-raising from venture capitalists, entrepreneurial finance and startup valuations. See 99 Insider Secrets to Startup Financing (