For a few years vertical search engines have been appearing, like travel or property search engines. With in 2006 founded spock or its German versions yasni and 123people there are people search engines promising “to find everyone you know on the Internet”. Who needs that if there is Google? What is the USP of people search engines? I have tried hard to find the benefit(s) of people search but I didn’t. Does anybody
Who needs People Search Engines?
Predictably Irrational
From the amazon synopsis: Why do smart people make irrational decisions every day? The answers will surprise you. Predictably Irrational is an intriguing, witty and utterly original look at why we all make illogical decisions. Why can a 50p aspirin do what a 5p aspirin can’t? If an item is “free” it must be a bargain, right? Why is everything relative, even when it shouldn’t be? How do our expectations influence our actual
Exceptional learnings from Easter
As long as I can think back I never experienced such relaxed Easter Days. A perfect mixture of family fun, administrative and brainwork. As a former Director of Human Resources with the automobile manufacturer VW invented — I’m thinking about introducing the 4‑days-week to myself: Operational work from Monday til Thursday — and then a ‘free’ Friday, reserved for family and/or brainwork. That should improve the quality of work, shouldn’t it? Is there anyone
5 days old ashes still burning
Could not believe it. Today something seemed to burn outside. It turned out to be 5 days old (= cold!?) ashes in a dumpster which suddenly began to burn again. No real damage — but who could imagine that?
YiGG Daily gelauncht
Kurz vor Ostern haben wir YiGG Daily gelauncht, eine (werk-) tägliche Show auf und über YiGG. Frontfrau Fränzi greift sich besonders auffällige Nachrichten auf YiGG heraus und kommentiert sie. Das Besondere dabei: wir verzichten weitgehend auf ein Drehbuch und lassen Fränzi viel Spielraum in der Ausgestaltung der Show. Einzige Vorgabe ist, die Show mit minimalen Mitteln, d.h. PC mit Webcam, aufzunehmen. Jetzt sind wir gespannt auf das Feedback unserer Zuschauer.
Der Journalist, der Nutzer und die Qualität der Inhalte
„User, herzlich willkommen — aber nur die, die sich an die Mindestregeln von Communities halten. Bislang gelingt es uns ganz gut, die Meinungsrandalierer im Griff zu behalten.“ Frank Thomsen, Chefredakteur von „Es gibt Kommentare, die will ich auch nicht für eine Minute unter meinen Artikeln stehen haben. Das ist auch ein Zeichen der Wertschätzung unseren Usern gegenüber, dass wir nicht jeden Unsinn freischalten.“ Jochen Wegner, Chefredakteur Zwei Zitate,
Optimize your efficiency
Yep — ColPop — that new invention of South Korean FastFood Company BBQ Chicken — will ease your daily schedule by at least 5 minutes, which is roughly an hour in Web 2.0 calender. Eat and drink almost simultaneously. via
Killer App 2008:
So here it is — the killer application for 2008: Twitterati will love that scheduling / planning application since it has everything a cool and slim application should have. It is easy to use, totally variable and extremely intuitive. Try it out!
The Powerbock
That looks fun — but…should I try it, too?