Micromobility is a highly dynamic affair: in urban areas, hundreds of thousands of residents ride their scooters, eBikes, cargo bike, or tiny EVs every day. They do it for leisure, as well as for business purposes. They transport themselves, other people, groceries and other goods. City council information mamagement departments can use the massive amount of transportation data to enhance traffic flows, optimizing their urbanisation efforts towards more eco-friendly, livable cities.

MOBIX – The Marketplace For Incentivized Micromobility
In Europe and many other parts of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been easing its grip on society, lately. Encouraging data in countries with high vaccination rates makes us think forward and plan for a post-pandemic future with more mobility, social gatherings, and a reclaimed higher quality of living. That’s why we have launched our new MOBIX Micromobility Marketplace website. MOBIX supports a specific category of mobility and a general lifestyle aimed at

Next Level Business Model Innovation — The Decentralized Network GAIA‑X Could Become
According to BCG, Business model innovation is the art of enhancing advantage and value creation by making simultaneous—and mutually supportive—changes both to an organization’s value proposition to customers and its underlying operating model. Professors Girotra and Netessine, economists of Cornell and Wharton universities, have presented a framework for identifying opportunities and becoming systematic about the process of taking business model innovation to the level of a reliable and improvable discipline. Since business model

Transforming Traceable Donations Into Open SmartAid Blockchain
Over at Datarella, our team is happy to announce the latest achievement of its Traceable Donations project SmartAid. SmartAid has evolved into an open donation blockchain for worldwide charity projects from a single-project application: From traceable donations app SmartAid to open donation blockchain. This move from one specific project to more diverse projects allow for many and diverse donations by donors. As simple and intuitive, it has been to donate to the

M‑ZONE — An Open, Decentralized, Self-Sovereign Smart City Infrastructure Solution
Having worked for more than 5 years on Blockchain solutions and products with my company Datarella, it makes me feel quite confident that either Blockchain is one of the most disrupting technologies of our times and that Datarella has done a tremendous job in developing that space. At the center of our work always have been practical benefits for clients and partners. With our latest project M‑ZONE, we are moving forward to

SmartAid — Datarella Launches The World’s First Blockchain-Based Donations App
Yesterday, Datarella and YOU Foundation have launched SmartAid, the first digital donation app that allows for traceable donations based on blockchain technology. SmartAid offers immediate support in crisis situations and lets its donors track their donations until they reached beneficiaries. SmartAid’s first project is “Clean Water for West Africa”, a charity project initiated and managed by YOU Foundation, led by UNESCO Special Ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven. Why Donating Must Be

Traceable Accounting – Blockchain-Based Automated Real-Time Accounting
Faced with the imminent Wirecard accounting scandal, and an apparent lack of diligence by audit firms, regulatory bodies, and the government have realized that financial accounting must be improved significantly. However, previous improvements in financial accounting were aimed at an intensification of financial controls that, in turn, led corporations to intensify their internal bookkeeping creativity, and, consequently, to limited positive results. However, we need something different: We need Traceable Accounting ‑Blockchain-based automated real-time

Die Achtsame Revolution — German Version of The Mindful Revolution
I’m very happy to announce the publication of Die Achtsame Revolution — the German version of The Mindful Revolution. The book is available as an eBook for Kindle Reader and apps as well as in a paperback version. Having received first feedback after the launch of The Mindful Revolution, it became clear that I would translate it and publish a German version, too. Due to many technical terms, most of the neuroscientific

Conspiracy Theories — The Fairy Tales Of Today
Every child loves fairy tales. When the princess is terrorized by an insidious stepmother, unbeknownst to her father, the King, or when a poor man finds richness at the end of a challenging journey. Fairy tales help to better understand a very complex reality by means of simplification and by mixing known, real elements — s.a. children, parents, or the work of a baker, with fictions, unknown elements, such as magicians, witches, or hyperbolical

The Conflicting Story of Human Population Corp.
When founding a company, you typically start-up with a few people with each of them taking care of everything that has to be done. If the company is successful and grows, more employees come in and the structure of the company changes. It might eventually be developed to a real organization listed at a stock market. This is the conflicting story of Human Population Corp. With organizational growth comes the need for structural change: responsibilities

The Mindful Revolution — Entering The Next Evolutionary Level
I’m very happy to announce the publication of my first book: The Mindful Revolution. It took me much longer than expected — the original release date was November 2019. However, I realized that it’s quite a challenge to write a book while growing a company that itself is more than a fascinating task. The Mindful Revolution is not a lifestyle book describing the latest wellness trend, but it’s my attempt to formulate a thesis of how human

The Mindful Revolution — How To Manage Complexity
After a few more months than originally planned, I today was able to publish my first book: The Mindful Revolution — How to manage the complexity of the world we have created. Although used to manage projects, I completely underestimated the effort to write a book while growing a company, having fun, and being faced with a quite new experience called a pandemic. Now, I’m glad it’s done and I’d be happy to discuss The Mindful Revolution